Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Salesforce - An Overview of the Inside


Salesforce is a daunting piece of software when you come to face it for the first time. And, although there are many articles that explain each part of it in great detail, there is a paucity of articles that deal with the big picture. This post is an attempt at explaining how it all works together.

The Overall Architecture

The following image gives a view of the Salesforce system as implemented on the Salesforce servers.

At the lowest level is the hardware in the data center - the servers, networks, storage etc. And equally importantly, at this level is the monitoring of the hardware to guarantee almost 100% up-time. Large teams of technical people work round the clock to keep the servers running.

The next fundamental piece of Salesforce (without which nothing could exist) is the database. There are a number of notable aspects to this database. Firstly, it is hosted in the cloud. There is only one database that is shared amongst all the companies that use Salesforce. Secondly, it has a flexible schema - entities and relationships can be created at will. This is really what makes it possible for Salesforce to be so customizable.

Sitting on top of this database is Force.com - the platform that is exposed to the world for developing custom applications on Salesforce. This is the heart of the system and most of this post is concerned with Force.com

Finally, the applications that end users see and use sit atop Force.com


A central concept with an SaaS based system (and Salesforce is no exception) is the idea of multi-tenancy. When a single installation of software is used by different customers, the data for each customer is separated from every other customer at a fundamental level. This fundamental unit of separation is referred to as a tenant.

Users, as identified by their user ids and passwords are uniquely bound to their tenant. When a user provides his or her credentials at a login page, the tenant to which the user belongs is identified and all further actions take place within that tenant.


The user request that initiates the display of the Salesforce application actually follows a complex path. The request goes to a Visualforce page that represents the application that the user sees.

The visualforce page is an xml file which contains a specification of what is to be displayed to the user. For example, the familiar tabs that you see on the top of a Salesforce page, are described in this xml including the order in which they should be displayed. The xml describes what to display and where to display it. As a part of the overall processing, this xml will be used to construct the HTML that is eventually sent to the browser.

This separation of the UI into a specification and the actual HTML generated from the specification is what allows the UI to be changed at will. When a Salesforce administrator changes elements in the UI, what is being changed is the xml specification.

How It Works

The image below show the overall flow of control within Salesforce.com

What is displayed on any Salesforce screen is a representation of the data stored in the database. Consider a screen showing a list of contacts. A contact is a record in the database and it is also connected to several other records like the Account to which it belongs and so on.

A visualforce page that shows the list of contacts is an xml file providing a specification of what is to be displayed. Apart from the tabs at the top and other embellishments of the page, it contains a specification saying that the list of contacts visible to the logged in user should be displayed in the central area of the page.

When a user request is received to display this page, the Web Server invokes the Force.com component that processes visualforce xmls  and asks it to process the request. The Force.com component reads the visualforce specification and when it comes across the specification for listing contacts, it invokes another Force.com component that is responsible for dealing with objects persisted in the database. The database related component executes all the required database queries to obtain all the contact records accessible to this user and returns them to the caller as Contact objects.

When all the Contact objects are available, the visualforce processor loops over them and generates the HTML representing the table showing the list of contacts.

The generated HTML is sent back to the browser and the user sees the screen with the list of Contacts.

Licenses, Editions, Organizations and Tenants

There is a lot of terminology here and many terms refer to the same things. So here is an attempt at clarifying some of them:

When you first approach Salesforce, you need to have access to the system. There are many ways to get access to Salesforce. Of course, the first thing is to have a tenant. A tenant is also known as an organization in Salesforce.

There are many options for purchasing Salesforce organizations (tenants). The options are related to features that you can use, the objects available, the storage and other limits. The different options available in terms of features and pricing are referred to as editions.
  • For $5 per user per month, you will get access to a tenant that features contact and lead management but limited to 5 users total - this is the "Contact Manager Edition"
  • for $25 /u/m you will additionally get access to opportunity management also limited to 5 users total - this is the "Group Edition"
  • for $65 /u/m you will get access to the full Sales Cloud CRM system which includes email campaigns and also unlimited number of users - this is the "Professional Edition"
  • However, if you want customization, the minimum you will pay is $125 /u/m - this is the "Enterprise Edition"
  • for unlimited access and customization you will pay $300 /u/m - this is the "Performance Edition"
A tenant / organization that is paid for is referred to as a production environment. Associated with a production environment that can be customized, there is a sandbox environment (described further later).

Additionally, there are two ways to get a free tenant:
1. by creating a developer edition account
2. as a Salesforce partner (e.g. ISV), creating a test organization which also is a developer edition with more data and more users

A developer edition tenant (organization) is also called a "Development Environment". These tenants are limited in scope. They cannot be used for production data. They have limits on how much data can be stored within the tenants. There can be only 2 users within a developer edition account and for partner accounts there can be up to 20 users. However, these accounts are meant for development and testing of custom apps and other customization.

Each user within your tenant represents a license. So, if you decide to purchase the lowest priced option for two users you will pay $10 /u/m and what you will get in return is a tenant of your own and also have two user ids for that tenant. You can create as many leads and contacts as you like and the data of these two users will be separate so that each user can track his or her own leads and contacts.


When performing customization of Salesforce, there is a logistics problem. Let's say that a particular customer has a customizable production account and wants to have some customization of features. Let's say, that in addition to the standard features, an HR system for appraisals needs to be added. This will involve new objects, new relations, new user interfaces, new workflows and so on.

Development within Salesforce is a large project. A "consultant" will gather the requirements and define the specifications; "developers" will write the necessary code; "administrators" will change configurations and set up workflows etc. This represents a lot of change.

Obviously, this cannot be done on the production instance as it would disrupt normal operations. There are two alternatives - do the development on a developer edition or do the development on a sandbox. Actually a combination of both the alternatives is used.

Developers will develop their code and perform testing in their developer editions. However, the developer edition is quite different from the production in terms of the configuration where the administrators may have set up workflows and changed user interfaces. To see how the new development is going to fit into the actual production version, you need a sandbox.

A sandbox is a replica of the production environment except that it only has a subset of the data and is completely separated from production. Once customization and development works perfectly within a sandbox, it can be migrated to production.

The access to sandboxes is separated by using a different URL for logging in: test.salesforce.com. The user id determines the tenant.

Salesforce Portals

When you purchase a tenant from Salesforce, you get user ids that can access the Salesforce application. In addition to this, Salesforce provides access to two other sets of people who might benefit from the access: Partners and Customers. The access is provided through what are called portals: Partner Portal and Customer Portal.

These are special applications with different features and different levels of access. The customer portal is intended to be used by your customers. So, lets say you run a jewellery store, and you have high value customers. The customer portal would be useful for such valued customers to see their history of purchases or service calls or returns etc. They can only see their own data.

The partner portal is intended to be used by your partners. So, in the case of the jewellery store, you partner is a jewellery shop in another city who is carrying your goods. In such a case, the partner portal allows sharing of leads and other collaboration.

In fact, Salesforce, the company, has its own tenant which it uses for its CRM processes. This tenant uses the Partner portal to collaborate with Salesforce partners like ISVs and others. Of course, the Salesforce partner portal allows things like creating test tenants which normal partner portals wouldn't.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Retrospective Look At Web Services

A Retrospective Look At Web Services

After a considerable break from reading about the web services technology, I once again visited the subject with a view to look at it retrospectively.

1.1 SOAP Web Services

SOAP Web Services is the original style of web services. It started with a specification about the web service: the WSDL file. This file had the same function as an IDL file had in the days of COM. And not surprisingly, because the SOAP web services have evolved from component technologies like COM and CORBA. So, the WSDL file defines the contract between the client of the web service and the web service itself.

In order to make the web service independent of the programming languages and their types, and also of the network transport, the WSDL became a detailed specification based on XML Schema that defined the data types, the operations and their parameters and the bindings.

The advantage of the detailed specification of the contract was that it allowed the client and even the web service to be written independently. That is, given the WSDL, a developer could write the web service to adhere to the WSDL spec and another developer could write the client to such a web service.

1.2 A C++ Example

Eventually what happened was that Soap Toolkits became available that could read a WSDL specification and generate the client side and server side code. For example, I had once a need to invoke a SOAP web service from a C++ program and there wasn't any standard IDE option to do this automagically. Therefore, I looked for and found a SOAP toolkit library called gsoap that would generate C++ code when it was supplied with a WSDL file.

For the client side, the gsoap library generates a set of files that contain the methods on the web service. These methods act like proxies to the client program. Internally, the generated code converts the parameters to the method calls to the appropriate request xml and make the call over the network to the web service. Consequently, from my source code, I could make the call to the web method in the generated code and the actual call to the web service would be made under the covers, so to speak.

For the web service side too, the gsoap library would generate a set of files that contain the methods of the web service. This code needs to be invoked by a transport handler like IIS or Apache web server. Once the call is passed on to the generated code, it converts the request xml into parameters and invokes a method in your code.

1.3 Microsoft .NET and Java

With MS .NET, it became trivial to write SOAP web services since the IDE took care of practically everything. All you needed to do was to select a Web Service project and annotate the web method with [WebMethod] and the IDE did everything else.

What was happening behind the scenes is that the IDE generated the WSDL for the web service and it generated the code to translate the request xml into parameters (much like in the C++ case) and at run time, it would make the appropriate call to the web method. And the response xml would be generated similarly.

On the Java side, there were frameworks like Axis from Apache that did much the same thing for java programs that MS .NET did for C# programs.

1.4 XML Requests and Responses

With the SOAP specification, there was a great amount of detail involved in generating the xml for the request and response for a web service method. There were four possible variations:
RPC / encoded
RPC / literal
Document / encoded (never used)
Document / literal

What these variations mean is that the xml generated for the request and response is different. The choice of which xml variation is used is what the WSDL specifies. In general, it doesn't matter much which variation is used. From the programmer's point of view, it doesn't matter at all because the SOAP toolkit deals with the details. From the point of view of performance or other such consideration also, the difference isn't great. After all, it is a few more or less characters to be transmitted. 

A toolkit like SoapUI will generate the correct request xml structure for any given WSDL taking care of the xml variation specified.

2. REST Web Services

On looking at all the infrastructure required to create SOAP web services, it became clear that a lot of it was quite unnecessary. What SOAP web services were providing is the ability for the programmer to write web services and their clients in terms of native data types. The infrastructure took care of converting the data from raw xml on the wire to native data types.

However, there was no good reason for this. Programmers had good libraries at hand to read the data in the xml themselves. So, what emerged is the practice of clients building the request xml in the code and parsing the response xml using DOM or SAX parsers. And likewise on the web service side.

In order to bring some kind of uniformity to this practice, a few standard mechanisms were proposed for the requests in terms of the common database operations:
C - create: http POST request
R - read and list: http GET request
U - update: http PUT request
D - delete: http DELETE request

This standardized use of the different HTTP verbs for different operations is referred to as the REST protocol for web services.

Basically, what was changed was two things: (1) the practice of xml being created and interpreted in the code of the web method itself instead of relying on an infrastructure to convert xml to native data types, (2) the call to the web method being made from the client directly using a library that allows making a TCP/IP call instead of letting the infrastructure do it behind the scenes.

3. Conclusion

What a lot of web service implementations do today is to use the practice of REST web services without the use of the REST convention. For example, they may use only the POST method for all the operations supported by the web service. We refer to such web services as REST-style web services.

The shift from SOAP to REST style web services has simplified the development process by removing all the "under the hood" kind of processing and making xml exchange explicit between the client and the web service.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Html, JavaScript and CSS- the Big Picture

For the last several years, the nature of software has changed from a write-everything-yourself to a write-the-glue kind of approach. Most of the time we write code nowadays, we are using a lot of third-party code to achieve our software ends. Examples are java libraries (or .net libraries) or even javascript libraries and html frameworks.

What is quite forbidding to anyone approaching the subject for the first time is the plethora of systems and conventions and interfaces that face the newcomer. What is needed at such a time is to cut to the chase and get at the core issues. That's easier said than done. The reason is that there are multiple facets to any new technology and without seeing the whole picture, you can never really come to grips with the subject.
Here is an attempt at giving a whole-picture view of the subject of Html, Javascript and CSS. To do this, I am taking the example of an Javascript calendar. So here goes.
The way to approach this subject (or any new technology) is to try to create a big-picture view in your own mind. What is a Javascript calendar at the implementation level? To answer this, we need to consider the following facets of the calendar:

1. What is the structure of the html that hosts the calendar?
2. How is the calendar shown and hidden?
3. How is the content of the calendar (the dates) painted?
4. How does the calendar provide the date back to the html form?

If we have an answer to each of these questions, we will have a big-picture view of the whole problem.

1. What is the structure of the html that hosts the calendar?
The html structure for the calendar will be a <table> having a <tbody> that represents the dates in the calendar. And a text input that will hold the result of a date selection from the calendar.

This means that the html structure will be something like the following:
    <!-- textbox showing date -->
    <input type="text" id="txtDateField" /> 
    <table id="tblCalendar" >
    <tbody id="tbdDates" />

2. How is the calendar shown and hidden?
The calendar will be shown and hidden using javascript. The javascript construct
can be assigned the value "none" to hide the object
and it can be assigned the value "block" to display a block element.

We use this mechanism in the javascript code:
    function hideCalendar()
        var cal = document.getElementById("tblCalendar");
        cal.style.display = none;

3. How is the content of the calendar (the dates) painted?
This is the more complex part of the implementation. The dates in the calendar need to be constructed in javascript because the contents of the table cells are dependent on the month and year selected.

To create the contents of a table, we need to construct the elements of the dom and attach the structure to the tbody element. We need to create a row <TR> element. And within it, we need to construct data <TD>elements. And finally attach the row to the tbody element. All this can be achieved in javascript:
    tblDates = document.getElementById ( "tbdDates" );
    tr = document.createElement ( "TR" );
    for (...)
        td = document.createElement ( "TD" );
        td.appendChild ( document.createTextNode(dt++) );
        tr.appendChild ( td );

4. How does the calendar provide the date back to the html form?
For each of the td elements, we need to add an onClick member that invokes a function. The parameters to the function are the year, month and date values. This part of the code is advanced javascript. It looks as follows:

    var str = d + "-" + month + "-" + year;
    td.onclick = new Function ( "document.getElementById('txtDateField').value='" + str + "'" );

This code constructs a function object for each td element in the dom. The function object is compiled when the button is clicked and executed. The code that gets executed is:
which sets the contents of the form element representing the date.


I have not provided the complete code for the javascript calendar here. The reason is that the purpose of this article is to show the central facets of a html-javascript interaction. It tries to answer the question "how does one go about writing a javascript based web page?". And the answer is that you have to first frame the right questions and then answer each one of them. The answers should give you a big picture view of the problem and its solution. Once that is achieved, the implementation is almost trivial.

In this case, start with the html above and put it in a cal.htm file. Add a <script> tag and add the javascript function to hide and show the calendar. In the table tag add another tbody with some static content. Use this as a starting point to implement the show / hide functionality. Once this is running, add the table contents with some static dates. Integrate the code to invoke the integration with the text date field. Proceed to add embellishments to select months and years. Add CSS styles to make the calendar look more slick. And your javascript calendar comes to life before your eyes.